Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Ways to keep your rings looking brand new!

Here at Kennington Jewelers we are frequently asked about how to care for rings. If you bring any of your rings in to our store, we are able to service them in the following ways:

•    Ring inspection to ensure security of any stones, check prongs, and anything that could be a problem.
•    Buff and Polish
•    Place Jewelry in the ultrasonic machine, with the exception of certain gemstones and metals/materials.
•    Steam jewelry to remove any remaining residues

Ring cleaning at home:

•    Simple cleaning solution: warm water and mild dish soap. Use a soft cloth to dip into solution and then apply to jewelry. Rinse solution and then pat dry.
•    Always check to make sure if the jewelry material has any special requirements before using any store bought jewelry cleaners or dish soap. Some metals or gemstones may be damaged by certain chemicals.

•    Tools:

o    A soft toothbrush. Dip the toothbrush into the cleaning solution and use it to gently clean the ring. Just as with the cloth, clean with solution, rinse, and dry.
o    A soft cloth. Use a soft cloth (chamois or flannel recommended) to remove smudges and residues that may have accumulated after being worn.

Jewelry Care

•    Be sure to store your jewelry carefully. It’s best to keep jewelry separated so the pieces don’t rub or bang against each other.
•    When wearing jewelry, do not expose it to harsh chemicals. Apply cosmetics, perfumes, and colognes before putting on jewelry and wipe jewelry off after wearing. The chemicals in them may be harmful to the jewelry and leave residue behind.
•    Rings should not be worn when performing exerting tasks, going into a pool or hot tub, and getting into the shower/bath.
•    Take your rings in to your jeweler at least once a year for inspection and about every six months for cleaning.
•    Handle rings by the edges, oil from skin may leave a film that causes stones to look cloudy.

As you can see there are several ways to keep your rings safe and shiny. If have any other tips and tricks just lets us know!


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